a 10.00 score from 1 reviews
a 10.00 score from 1 reviews Leave a review
Customer satisfaction
Damage free
12 Oct 2021
H. Jordan
Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Sind von Grevenbroich am 21.09.2021 nach Niederkrüchten umgezogen. Fa. Kam pünktlich, war kompetent, freundlich und hatten auch Ideen wie man Möbel aufstellen konnte. Waren rundherum zufrieden, Preis-Leistungsverhältnis sehr gut. Diese Firma kann man nur weiterempfehlen.

Profiel verhuizer

No moving profile has been filled in.
Address details:
Markgrafenstraße 3, 41515 Grevenbroich DE
founded :
Workdays :
Not known
Payment method:
Not known

Moving in 3 simple steps

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Fill in your details online

Fill in your details and choose for an online inventory or make an appointment at home.

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Compare quotes

Compare based on quality, price, service and reviews. This is of course entirely non-binding.

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Book your move

Choose the mover that best suits you and confirm your move. The rest will be arranged for you.

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