DMS Deutsche Moebelspedition GmbH & Co. KG
a 7.27 score from 2 reviews
a 7.27 score from 2 reviews Leave a review
Customer satisfaction
Damage free
23 Mar 2021
Brigitte Saur
Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Excellent! Surpassed my expectations. I had to ship item from Germany to the USA. I contacted DMS via email for a quote. The answer came within 24 hrs. With a detailed description of the process. My contact was F. Landerbarthold in Germany. He was one of the most efficient and professional people I have felt with over the years. His promptness in replying to my questions, and there were many, to walking me through the paperwork, and setting up packing/ pick up in Germany, was exceptional. Everything worked without a hitch. The local packing/ shipping company was excellent as well. Awaiting delivery here in the USA, and anticipate the same excellent service. Would recommend DMS to anyone without hesitation.
2 Nov 2020
Markus Scholz
Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Lazy Muggers Good and well organized Canadian end ! Erik Paul was incredible outstanding friendly. Mackie been lazy packing up leaving behind some stuff. Unfriendly smelling about smoke and sweat. German End, running behind schedule packers more than an hour late, Truckdriver not able to communicate, damaged property unfriendly.

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DMS Deutsche Moebelspedition GmbH & Co. KG
Address details:
, Rudower Chaussee 12, 18273 Berlin DE
Workdays :
Not known
Payment method:
Not known

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