een 6.10 uit 2 reviews Plaats review
30 Jul 2017
Lindsay Welles
Posta Plus Great move! Everyone was super helpful and professional. Will never try to do it on my own again.
12 May 2017
Posta Plus I was informed and promised that when my property arrived to final destination, I would be notified. I was never notified. Also, I asked the company to call me as well, so we can set up an appointment time to deliver my property to my home. I never received a phone call. I had about $15,000 worth of property and I did not want the company to just drop off the boxes at the front door and leave. I said "DO NOT do that. Just give me a call and we can set a date for my shipment, and I will have someone at the home to receive shipment. Not only did they leave my property in front of my door step. It was also pouring rain outside and about 1/3 of my property was damaged. Posta plus basically told me that its not their problem because Fed-Ex is the one who delivered.

Profiel verhuizer

Er is helaas geen verhuisprofiel ingevuld.
Posta Plus
Shuwaikh Industrial 1, Block 2, St. 13, Unit 85, Dia Behbehani Building, Farwaniya 12020 Shuwaikh KW
Werkdagen per week:
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Niet bekend

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