Transworld International
Bewertung: 6.61 von insgesamt 3 Rezensionen
Bewertung: 6.61 von insgesamt 3 Rezensionen Bewertung schreiben
27 Jun 2020
Rob Connelly
Very satisfactory Very good communacation and very well packed with no damage on arrival
19 Sep 2018
John Foden
As smooth as we would've hopped. A really smooth move, from the initial contact they were very helpful and informative. It was a rush to meet the pickup time but that was due to our own timing and getting offered a spot on an upcoming container. All arrived safely to our new home in Malaysia, thank you.
10 Jul 2016
Taawera Mead
Transworld International If I could give this company 0 stars I would Considering we were so far north (Pukenui) we didn't have many options so we went with transworld from the beginning of the moving process they made so many mistakes *brenda quoted us then had to re quote because she didn't take into account the distance then mis typed the quote twice! She also didn't take into account the actual amount of stuff we had and picked bits off each page of our inventory causes it to be so so much more then told.Then the actual movers god don't get me started two guys one Maori so nice and polite and an Asian that was so rude n couldn't drive hit and broke so many of our trees in my driveway then reversed into my quad bike (no apologies) hardly worked and when he did it was very sloppy he also smashed a framed painting of my partners again no apologies. Also they weren't very knowledgeable about what could & couldn't be sent (luckily this wasn't our first time moving a container so we knew afew things) NOT HAPPY

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Transworld International
, Clem. Vanophemstraat 78, 3090 Overijse BE
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