Bewertung: 6.10 von insgesamt 2 Rezensionen
Bewertung: 6.10 von insgesamt 2 Rezensionen Bewertung schreiben
3 Dec 2020
We moved from belgium to spain We moved from belgium to spain and it was fantastic service Nice correct service and verry helpfull When you want to move i recomand this firma
14 Sep 2020
catastrophic Moved from Antwerp (BE) to Rossell (Spain). Paid + 4200 € to move all my personal belongings (36 m3 according to the company). On delivery day they delivered only half of my belongings, without any prior warning! I moved to a Spanish finca, in the middle of nature and all the products I bought in Belgium to keep all my belongings save in Spain, were left behind. Result: the delivered half of my stuff ended outdoors, in the open, without any shelter and a nice storm with heavy rain that same evening. According to the company they could send another truck with the rest of my belongings the same moment I called to complain: 1600 km in just a few hours?? Needed to buy an extra tent as shelter for my belongings, unfortunately the storm and heavy rain already passed. All my stuff, antique closets, books, lp's, pictures … totally soaked. They payed back the tent I had to buy, but not a word about the half delivery and all the damage! Other half of my belongings would arrive in 2 weeks, which suddenly became 3 weeks. That didn't work. But then, after unpacking, belongings were missing. Collectors items, design articles, professional working materials … and some kitchen tools. All packed and handed over to Actimovers, but never delivered. But nothing of this nightmare is their fault, it's just me not checking my boxes. One of these days I will find the missing boxes behind an olive tree, they say. ???? You hand over all your personal belongings, everything you take with you from a previous life, with memories, emotional value … and they just don't care. They don't value a clients belongings, they don't take responsibility! You have to pay the full amount before delivery and when shit hits the van, it's all the clients fault! If you value your belongings, please please please don't hire this company!! If it goes wrong, it's an absolute total nightmare!

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